Example Phrases
Sentences marked with * are translations I've added as they weren't in the original "The Irish language on Rathlin Island, Co. Antrim"
Na dánaigh!
The wicked
Go rabh maith agad
thank you
Beannacht Dia (Dé) leat
A Dhé ‘s Muire
As gach olc
from all
Lán sac de chlochan
a bag-full
of stones
Tá ag (go) rádh
is saying
Deacht mar a bhá ise
tionntachadh a' bhannach
Just as she was turning the soda bread/scone/bannock*
cha dtug me i ndear
I did not
tá me deanadh dearmad de
I forget it
ag teacht deas dó
close on him
cha ba deas leis
he did not
ar deas lámh Dé
on the
right hand of God
Bhá e déidheamhail air dram
he was fond
of a dram
An báta ma dheireadh
the last
Ag sileadh nan deor
Shedding tears*
Diabhal bit go bhfeil ann
there is nothing
Dimean greim
devil a bit
Mana n-éirigh thu as sin dingidh
me san phit thu
I will push
you into the pit
díoltaidh ead thar an gceann
they will
deny that they did it
Cha rabh e buidheach na
He was neither pleased nor displeased*
Is dóigh leam/is dócha leam
I think
tá féidhm agam air
I can use
it/I need it
ghní sin féidhm domh
I can use
ghní (deanaidh) sin féidhm
that will
na cuir feairt air
do not heed
tá e nas fhéarr a bhith
luath na bhith mall
It is better to be early than to be late*
chan fhaca sinn e tuilidh
we did not
see it any more
tá tuille ‘s choir salann
There’s too much salt on it*
tá an toigh ag dol a
The house is falling apart*
mar a bhá o thús
As it was from the beginning*
bhfeil an t-uisce ann?
Is it
cosmhail leis an uisce
like rain
an urad 's a ghlacadh tu
how much
would you take
sin urad 's tá fhios agam-sa
That’s as much as I know*
is esan an urad duine 's
thainigh na bhaile
That’s the amount of people who came home
an bré go bheil
only it is…
an bré gon dtainigh e
had he not
an bré go bhfeil e ar
shiubhal dh’innseadh eidean duit
he would
tell you, only he is away
Well, an bré gon rabh e
fuar, rachainn
well if it
was not cold, I would go
Chan fheil árach air
it cannot
be helped
C’ar son nach do rinn thu
Why did you not sign yourself?
Rinn me áthrachadh do notion
I changed
my mind
Dh’féidhmeadh ead a bhith
They need to be changed*
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